Sapulpa Attorney Wirth Law Office - Sapulpa
Can I Beat a Lewd or Indecent Proposal to a Child Charge in Sapulpa?
Oklahoma has a number of laws to protect children from inappropriate sexual conduct and exploitation. One such law specifically targets a lewd and indecent proposal in Oklahoma made to children under the age of 16. Here is what you need to know. Lewd or Indecent Proposals or Acts To a Child Under 16 This law […]
What is My Personal Injury Case Worth in Oklahoma?
When you suffer injuries due to the fault of another, one of the first things you should do, after seeking medical attention, is determine whether or not you should bring suit against the person(s) responsible. To do this, you will need some idea of what your personal injury case is worth. If you stand to […]
How Personal Injury Compensation is Determined in Oklahoma
When you have been injured due to another individual’s negligence, and you are considering filing a personal suit, you may be interested in knowing how personal injury compensation is determined. Personal injury compensation depends on a number of different factors and what follows is a brief explanation of how these factors are used in determining […]
What Are The Statutes of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims in Oklahoma?
If you have been involved in accident, you may seek compensation for your injuries, lost wages, pain and suffering. However, if you wait too long to file a personal injury claim against the party responsible, you may forever loose your chance to ever be receive compensation. So, it is extremely important that you file a […]
How to Avoid Probate
When a person dies, something has to be done with the estate (assets and debts) the decedent leaves behind. This process, which involves proving the validity of the deceased person’s will, is called probate, which is based on the Latin word “probo,” meaning to prove. Probate can be costly and time-consuming for the deceased person’s […]
What to Do When You’ve Just Been in an Accident in Oklahoma
Accidents are unexpected, but having a plan of action in mind before an accident occurs can make it easy for you to keep your head amidst the chaos that ensues. Furthermore, knowing what you should do after being involved in an auto accident can help you protect your right to be compensated for the damages. […]
Can I Modify My Child Support Payments in Oklahoma?
Often when you are paying or receiving court-ordered child support payments, the time comes when your circumstances have changed and a modification of the payments is required. For example, if you are now having trouble paying child support, or if you believe that you are no longer receiving enough support for your children, you may […]
How is Liability Determined in an Oklahoma Personal Injury Case?
In Oklahoma, if a person is determined to be liable for an accident in which you are injured, the responsible party has an obligation to compensate you for damages you suffer. The more evident liability is in a personal injury case, the less time it will take to settle your case and the more likely […]
Which Parent Gets To Claim The Child As a Dependent In Oklahoma?
If you are divorced, separated, or simply not living with the person with whom you have a child, deciding who gets to claim the child as a dependent for tax purposes can be rather tricky. Only one of you is entitled to claim the dependent exemption for a child each year, and the IRS keeps […]
What Do I Need to Prove Negligence in an Oklahoma Personal Injury Case?
If you have been injured by the fault of another, the person responsible may be liable to compensate you for your injuries, pain and suffering, and financial losses. In order to be eligible for compensation, you must prove that the defendant in your lawsuit was negligent in his or her duty to you. This article […]
What is Probate in Oklahoma?
When a person dies, something has to be done with the estate (assets and debts) the decedent leaves behind. This process, which involves proving the validity of the deceased person’s will, is called probate, based on the Latin word “probo,” meaning to prove. This article provides a brief explanation of what probate is in Oklahoma. […]
Can Grandparents Receive Visitation Rights in Oklahoma?
One of the most debated issues in family law is whether or not grandparents should have visitation rights. While parents have the primary right to determine how their children are raised, Oklahoma statutes provide certain rights for grandparents as well. This article explains what visitation rights Oklahoma provides for grandparents. Unfortunately, when the relationship between […]
Can My Ex Leave the State With My Children?
Relocation is usually a contentious issue as it relates to child custody. Whether or not the custodial parent can move to another state with the children depends on a number of different factors. Here are the requirements that must be met before your ex can leave the state with your children. Notice of relocation If […]
The Requirements for Common Law Marriage in Oklahoma
There is more than one way to get married in Oklahoma: The traditional way, by means of a marriage license and a ceremony before a judge, justice of the peace, or clergyman. By common law, which requires no ceremony or official license at all. Oklahoma is one of the few states that recognizes common law marriages. […]
How Long Will It Take To Settle My Oklahoma Personal Injury Case?
How long your Oklahoma personal injury case will take to settle depends on a number of different of variables, chiefly the seriousness of your injuries, the complexities of your personal injury case, and the circumstances that contributed to you being injured. This article will discuss some of the factors involved to determine the length of […]