Sapulpa Dog Bite Attorney

Sapulpa Dog Bite AttorneyWhen You’re Attacked, Get Help

Every minute, on average, someone in the country is bitten by a dog. If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, it’s time you reach out to a Sapulpa dog bite attorney to help you get the compensation you may deserve.

We’ve seen it before: dog bites can cause permanent scarring, or crushed bones, along with lengthy hospital stays and lost work.  It’s time to reach out to a Sapulpa dog bite attorney at Wirth Law Office – Sapulpa today to discuss your situation.

Mail Carrier, Utility Worker and Public Servant Attacks

If your job requires you to enter private property to perform public duties required by U.S. or Oklahoma laws, you may be entitled to compensation. Even though you’re going onto the dog owner’s property, they could be held liable for injuries caused by their dogs.

Under Oklahoma statutes, dog bite laws are quite specific but cover public safety workers, postal workers, meter readers, utility workers and others whose jobs require them to go onto private property. You are entitled to recover damages if the dog owners don’t control their animals.

Dog Bite Damage

If you look at some of the most current data, as many as one in 100 emergency room visits in the U.S. result from dog bites. Three out of every five injuries involves a child. The most severe injuries occur among children under the age of 10. If your child has been bitten by a dog, it’s time to talk to a Sapulpa dog bite attorney to help you prepare for lengthy series of doctors, reconstructive surgery and other medical expert visits.

Pit Bulls have an especially bad reputation among dog bite lawyers — and the public — for a good reason. We’ve seen it before as pit bull attacks can be gruesome and often deadly. Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control discovered that pit bulls account for one third of all dog-bite fatalities, although only one in 50 dogs in the U.S. are identified as pit bulls.

Low-cost Consultation: Sapulpa Dog Bite Attorney

Before you retain a Sapulpa attorney for a dog bite case, find out if Wirth Law Office – Sapulpa has the services you need. When you walk into court, be sure you have the best legal representation available.

For a no obligation consultation with a Sapulpa dog bite attorney, call the Wirth Law Office – Sapulpa at (918) 248-0067 or toll-free  at (888) 947-8452 or submit the question form at the top right of this page.

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